
About The Company

LLP Kumkol Trans Service is the main gas company of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
representing the interests of the state, both in the domestic and foreign gas markets.


About LLP Kumkol Trans Service.

LLP Kumkol Trans Service's refining operations began in 1963 with a single crude distiller operating at a capacity of 20,000 barrels per day Today we are able to produce up to 120,000 barrels per day following several key debottlenecking and growth investments, making us the second largest refinery in Kazakhstan. LLP Kumkol Trans Service boasts a team of 500 employees comprising our own and direct contract staff excluding contractors and suppliers.

In 2016, our Company underwent a transition of our major shareholder after a structured review exercise to now move into a new era and a new phase of growth.

The structure of the refinery includes a Complex of Crude Oil Primary Distillation, Complex of Compounding and Oil Products Dispatch, Complex of Crude Oil Advanced Processing (a fuel complex - KT-1 for deep processing of fuel oil), Complex of Heavy Oil Residue Processing which includes the several process units such as: Delayed Coking Unit, Coke Calcination Unit, Bitumen Production Unit, Sulfur Recovery Unit, Sulfur Granulation Unit. At the refinery there are Hydrogen Production Unit and Oil Sludge Processing Unit, as well as large auxiliary units - Water Supply and Sewerage plant and Central Refinery Laboratory (CRL).

As a result of the upgrading project implementation more new complexes of process units were built at the Refinery, Isomerization and Naphtha Splitter unit and Complex of Sulfur Recovery Units. The 10 new U&O facilities have been built for normal operation of constructed and brought into service units. In addition, there were revamped existing production capacities: Complex of Crude Oil Primary Distillation and Complex of Crude Oil Advanced Processing, as well as Delayed Coking Unit. All these measures ensured the production of K-4 motor fuels: diesel and gasoline of RON-92, 95 in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU

Rated Capacity 120,000 barrels per day
Licensed Capacity 156,000 barrels per day
Stocks 3.5/30 mil bbl/days
Staff Strength 474 personnel
Crude Tanks 11 tanks
Product Tanks 78 tanks
Power Consumption 28 MV
Single Buoy Mooring 1 vessel
Jetty 3 berths
Processing Units Long Residue Catalytic Cracker - 1 unit
Crude Distillers, Diesel Processing Unit - 2 units
Continuous Reformers - 1 unit
Naphtha and Gasoil Hydrotreaters

LLP Kumkol Trans Service's complex oil refinery in Kazakhstan has a licensed production capacity of 156,000 barrels per day. The major operating units in the refinery consist of two crude distillers, a long residue catalytic cracker (LRCCU), two naptha treaters and a merox plant, two reformers and a gasoil treatment plant. It also produces a comprehensive range of petroleum products including liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, fuel oil components, and chemical feedstocks like light naphtha and propylene. Approximately 85 percent of these refined products are sold in Kazakhstan.

Our products are predominantly distributed using the multi-product pipeline (MPP), We also despatch products via road to more local users and via sea to more remote locations. Securing our sales of gasoline, aviation fuel and diesel around the globe.

Products such as propylene and light naphtha are exported out of Kazakhstan to be used as chemical plant feedstock and a portion of our LPG is exported to end users. In addition, we import gasoline components such as MTBE and additional LRCCU feedstock when the economics are favourable.
