

LLP Kumkol Trans Service is the main gas company of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
representing the interests of the state, both in the domestic and foreign gas markets.

Personnel policy

LLP Kumkol Trans Service, realizing the social responsibility of business, makes efforts to promote social progress and the growth of the welfare of society, stable development and well-being of the population of the regions, improving the welfare of its employees. Caring for each employee, the priority of solving social issues - this is the basis of LLP Kumkol Trans Service policy.

In the light of today's changes, there is a need to introduce innovations in a timely manner to ensure that the organization meets the conditions of the external environment. At the same time, the personnel policy is being finalized as it is implemented in response to the new requirements of the constantly changing external environment, except for the part of the personnel policy that affects the key interests of employees (for example, employment policy, remuneration), which should be predictable and stable.

The personnel policy is designed to combine existing approaches, established methods and tools of personnel management, taking into account the best experience in the field of personnel management, thus allowing to form a unified approach and develop a corporate value system of LLP Kumkol Trans Service in the field of personnel management.

The following basic principles are laid down in the basis of the Personnel Policy being developed:

  • Transparency - openness at all stages of the human resource management process;
  • Complexity - coverage of all areas of human resources management;
  • Consistency - consideration of all the constituent elements of the policy in the relationship;
  • Validity - the use of modern scientific developments in the field of personnel management, which could provide maximum economic and social effect;
  • Efficiency - the costs of personnel management activities should be recouped by the results of production activities.

Social protection of employees of the group of companies

The LLP Kumkol Trans Service of Companies pays great attention to the growth of social benefits, which are aimed at creating a healthy working microclimate in the teams, which allows employees to successfully perform their main functions. LLP Kumkol Trans Service defines a unified corporate policy in the field of providing social support to employees and pays great attention to social benefits, a significant share of which is financial assistance, a package of social services.

LLP Kumkol Trans Service offers its employees a package of social services, including medical insurance, compensation and financial assistance, including for the treatment and rehabilitation of employees during labor leave and much more. Based on collective agreements and Rules for Providing Social Support in 2020, the following main types of financial assistance were paid to employees of the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies:

  • financial assistance for vacation for recovery - 4,143,184 thousand tenge;
  • at the birth of a child - 156,796 thousand tenge;
  • in connection with the death of family members of the employee - 110,936 thousand tenge;
  • one-time payment in connection with the death of an employee - 3,355 thousand tenge;
  • social benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, adopted and adopted newborns - 21 789 thousand tenge;
  • other payments (upon marriage, retirement, anniversaries, etc.) - 71,372 thousand tenge.

Quality of working conditions, life of employees and their families

To ensure the quality of working conditions, the lives of employees and their families, the budgets of the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies annually allocate funds for voluntary medical insurance, which includes a wide range of medical services in the best clinics in Kazakhstan. At the same time, the employee's medical care program, along with the provision of the entire range of medical services, provides for the same conditions for his family (the employee's parents, spouse and children). In addition, the range of services provided by the insurance company provides for the patronage of physiological pregnancy.

Thus, in 2020, at the expense of the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies, medical insurance of employees was carried out for a total of 1,346 million tenge, including insurance of employees of JSC NC "LLP Kumkol Trans Service" 57 million tenge.

As it is known, the work of most gas industry workers is connected with main gas pipelines and is characterized, on the one hand, by harsh climatic conditions (drinking water, dust storms, etc.), and on the other hand, by the fact that transit gas pipelines often pass in ecologically unfavorable regions of the country.

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On social protection of citizens affected by an environmental disaster in the Aral Sea region", residents of the Aral Sea region are charged an environmental coefficient of 20% to 50% to the basic salary, and additional leave is provided in the amount of 6 to 12 days. Work is underway to prevent diseases in employees, as well as their treatment and rehabilitation during the holidays.

LLP Kumkol Trans Service pays great attention to the growth of social payments, a significant share of which are social payments and guarantees. First of all, they are aimed at creating a healthy working microclimate in teams based on social partnership, which allows employees to successfully perform their main functions.

Also in LLP Kumkol Trans Service there are public associations of professional unions of employees, within the framework of which collective agreements between employees and employers have been concluded, which provide for social guarantees, payments, compensations and benefits to employees that significantly exceed those established by labor legislation, for example, such as:

  • payments in connection with the first marriage, the birth of a child, burial in connection with the death of loved ones, etc.;
  • additional paid leave in connection with the above cases;
  • wellness camps for children of the company's employees;
  • and much more.

Training, education and advanced training of employees of the group of companies

Taking into account that the movement of personnel should be as predictable, planned and consistent as possible with the general concept of the company's development, in order to strengthen its human resources potential, a common integrated approach is needed for all stakeholders: students, representatives of educational organizations and Society. Therefore, in order to systematically fill the vacancies that arise, as well as to form a group of young specialists with the ability to perform operational management activities that meet the requirements of a position in a particular direction, the Rules for training young specialists were developed and approved in individual subsidiaries of LLP Kumkol Trans Service. This internal document describes the procedure for determining the need for training young specialists, recruitment of candidates, the procedure for sending students to educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad. In addition, the LLP Kumkol Trans Service conducts training of specialists, according to the calendar plans of training and training of specialists, including foreign training. Training of specialists with higher education for organizations of the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies is planned on the basis of the best technical universities.

LLP Kumkol Trans Service employees take part in advanced training courses, seminars, internships and trainings both on the basis of the Private Institution "Corporate University "Samruk-Kazyna", Nur-Sultan, and on the basis of other training centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, countries of the near and far abroad.

LLP Kumkol Trans Service has the following programs aimed at staff development, such as "Training and advanced training", as well as a "Young Specialist" program. The personnel reserve of the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies has been formed. "Training and advanced training" is a permanent program for the development of the company's personnel.

LLP Kumkol Trans Service has a staff development program aimed at training and advanced training. Every year, the budget of LLP Kumkol Trans Service provides funds for training and advanced training of personnel.

In LLP Kumkol Trans Service, in accordance with the Rules of Technical Operation of Main Gas Pipelines, technical facilities of main gas pipelines must be operated by specially trained personnel. Personnel serving high-risk facilities must undergo training (retraining) at courses specially created by enterprises according to programs agreed with local gostechnadzor bodies.

In 2020, 13,309 participants took part in the training events held in the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies for a total amount of 235,578 thousand tenge. Employees are trained and improve their skills both on the basis of training organizations and in training centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professional training and development of working personnel is one of the long-term and priority directions of LLP Kumkol Trans Service personnel policy, because the professional level of workers is the most important factor in improving the efficiency of safe production, increasing labor productivity and improving the quality of work. Also, LLP Kumkol Trans Service provides training for the children of the Company's employees in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and abroad at the expense of subsidiaries and LLP Kumkol Trans Service, who, after completing their studies, will return to work in the gas transportation industry. In order to provide distance learning, the Information System "A single platform for evaluation, training and development of oStudy personnel" has been operating since 2020. The LLP Kumkol Trans Service of Companies has been conducting a social stability rating since 2013. Constant assessment of the level of social attitudes in labor collectives is an integral part of personnel policy and represents a number of measures aimed at studying the rating. In 2020, the methodology of the study changed. The Center for Social Interaction and Communications conducted a sociological study by telephone survey within the framework of the Samruk Research Services platform.

According to the study, the Social Stability Index in 2020 was 93%. In comparison with 2019, there is an increase of 3%, which indicates a favorable atmosphere in the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies. The value of the social stability index in 2020 is the highest for the entire time of the study.

Staff turnover in 2020 for the LLP Kumkol Trans Service of companies amounted to 3%, compared to 2019 it decreased by 1.4%. The low level of staff turnover has a positive effect on the development of the company as a whole, contributes to the qualitative renewal of the team, reduces significant economic losses, organizational, personnel, technological, psychological difficulties.
